Page 98
Some word coneccted to dishonesty :
distorted thinking
What reasons are given for not being totally honest on your CV?
recommending lying and only 46 discouraging it. Recommenders justified lying by claiming, everyone else is doing it. companies lie about job requirements. and it's hard to get a good job
Which of the four rationalisations do you think is the most serious? Why?
Claiming a degree that was not earned because you did most of the work and were only a few credits short.
Claiming a team's contributions as your own, because other members did not carry their weight.
I think the two rationalisations previous are most seious because also of lie, you are stealing the credit of others persons
What happens to you when you start using rationalisations?
You create a story that sounds believable but doesn't pass close examination. You begin to fool yourself. You develop habits of distorted thinking.
What are the advantages of asking an old boss
Asking also checks the accuracy of your claims, trains your old boss in how to represent you during reference checks. and sometimes your old boss may give you better ways to represent yourself.
Page 99
Page 101
David Hillyard, Director of Programmes at EarthWatch, is describing
his orga nisation. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the
EarthWatch is an international research and conservation and .. organisation. and
we have over 100 field research projects around the world . That involves, er SINCE looking at how animals and plants are coping in their natural enviroment
1 Where does EarthWatch have offices?
2 How are EarthWatch's field research projects designed?
They have over one hundred field research projects
1 Why do businesses need to change the way they operate?
In order of help to reduce the involve the impact and development solutions for the differents problems
2 What opportunity do companies have with respect to the environment?
promote good practices
1 In what ways is To m behaving unprofessionally?
He lie about his sales reports, also lie about his expense claim and finally He is really rude and uncooperative
2 What two options does one of the directors mention?
They could have a chat with him about his sales reports; also they could mention that they are checking all expense claims very carefully in the future.
They could take a stronger approach. and if he doesn't change his ways, They will be sending him a warning letter and that would lead him to be dismissed
3 What do the directors finally decide to do?
They have a friendly talk with him and find out if that’s the real problem. He might respond well to that approach.
PAGE 104
Match the adjectives in the box to make pairs of contrasting ideas.
EXAMPLE: assertive/ diffident
cautious / decisive
assertive / diffident.
casual / formal
idealistic / realistic
critical / encouraging
Do the same with the adjectives in this box
Dynamic. / Laid·back
Radical. / Conservative
Ruthless. / Distant
Approachable. / Principled
Complete the sentences with suitable adjectives from Exercises A and B.
(For sentences 1-4, use Exercise A; for sentences 5-8, use Exercise B.)
1 She doesn't like to rush into things. She's careful and . cautious.
2 He's very good at pointing out problems with people and systems in the company. He's often .assertive , but this helps make improvements.
3 He's a serious formal person, both in the way he dresses and in his dealings with people. Everyone knows he's the boss.
4 She has a very clear vision for the long·term future of the company, but many people think she is too idealistic.
5 He is a very ruthless man. He sacked anyone who got in his way.
6 Our boss is friendly and laid back She's very easy to talk to.
1 He's very conservative He doesn't like to try anything new now he's running the company.
8 She's very principled She would never approve any policies that were remotely unethical.
Match the phrasal verbs (l-6) to the nouns (a -f)
1 to take on --------------------> e) responsibility for something
5 to hand in -------------------> a) a proposal/suggestion
2 to be up to -------------------> c) criticism
3 to put forward --------------> d) your resignation
4 to deal with -----------------> f) a problem
6 to come in for --------------> b) the job
Which of the phrasal verbs in Exercise D mean the following:
a) to manage -------------> to deal with
c) to receive --------------> to come in for
e) to be good enough ----> to take on
b) to give ------------------> to put forward
d) to accept ---------------> to be up to
f) to propose --------------> To hand in
PAGE 105
Which five areas does Elizabeth think are important for a good business leader?
clear mision and purpose
listen to the second part and answer the questions.
1 What qualities do natural born leaders possess?
2 Can people who have acquired leadership skills beat natural born leaders?
"studies indicate leadership tends to be only 30 percent genetic(link is external). Therefore, all newly minted managers would be wise to consider it necessary to hone and sharpen their leadership skills.
Indeed, a recent study from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (link is external)demonstrated that a fifteen week academic course was able to significantly improve the leadership skills of the participants by using the ‘Ready, Willing and Able’ model (which examines whether students are ready to lead, motivated to lead, and effective in their efforts). "
Winch, G. (3 de 2 de 2015). Can Leadership Be Learned or Are You Born with It? Recuperado el 20 de 11 de 2015, de
Listen to the final part and decide if these statements about Elizabeth Jackson's husband are true (T) or false (F).
1 He is younger than her. ------------T
2 He used to be a boxer. --------------F
3 He is a natural leader. -------------T
5 He is a strategic thinker. ----------T
4 He is a creative thinker. -----------F
PAGE 107
EIegance is a leading European beauty company which 1 owns a number of famous
brands. Founded in 1977, Elegance is an ambitious company which is looking for
a first·class leader who can meet the challenge of international growth. We are
seeking a highly motivated candidate who is creative, articulate and energetic. We
need a Managing Director who understands the trends in the cosmetics market
and who will provide strong, strategic leadership. The successful candidate will
lead a winning team who achieved record sales last year.
In the first Instance and In complete confidence, please write with CV to Yvonne
Roland at: Agence Rlchaud, 19 boulevard Gobelins, Paris 75005, France.
Complete the quotations below with the relative pronouns in the box.
who ---------------- which ---------------------- that --------------------where
1 'The job for big companies, the challenge that we all face as bureaucrats, is to create an environment where people can reach their dreams.' Jack Welch (US business leader)
2 'He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.' Aristotle (Greek philosoph.,)
3'A leader shapes and shares a vision which gives point to the work of others.' Charles Handy (British writer)
4 'A leader should be humble. A leader should be able to communicate with his people. A leader is someone .who walks out in front of his people, but he doesn't get too far out in front, to where he can't hear their footsteps.' To mmy Lasorda (US sports personality)
5 'A leader is someone who knows what they want to achieve and can communicate that.' Margaret Th atcher (British politician)